Black leaders outraged Margaret Sanger proposed for $20 bill
Black leaders say they are outraged to discover that former Klan speaker, Margaret Sanger, has been selected as one of the candidates to replace Andrew Jackson on the twenty dollar bill.

Woman on 20’s founder, Barbara Ortiz Howard who hatched the campaign to replace Andrew Jackson with an “American women hero,” is seeking the help of President Obama, an avid supporter of Planned Parenthood, the group Margaret Sanger founded.
The group’s mission reads: It’s our mission to generate an overwhelming people’s mandate for a new $20 bill, to be issued in time for the 100th anniversary in 2020 of the Constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote. Think of it as honoring the vote by casting your vote. The process of commissioning, designing and minting a new bill takes years, so now is a good time to act.
It sounds like a noble effort, right?
Until you realize that among the list of potential candidates the group has suggested is Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger.
According to Woman on 20’s the candidates were chosen from a field of 30 through a “vigorous survey process involving more than a dozen women’s historians and academicians.” The website does not list the names, affiliations, or political slant of the select committee however.
The group chose the $20.00 bill because the year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment that granted women the right to vote.
According to the US Treasury Department, currency portraits are selected by the Secretary of the Treasury and unless specified by an Act of Congress, the Secretary generally has the final approval. This is done with the advice of Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) officials.
“The law prohibits portraits of living persons from appearing on Government Securities. Therefore, the portraits on US currency notes are of deceased persons whose places in history the American people know well,” the official government website states.
The current Secretary of the Treasury is Jacob Jack Lew who previously served as Obama’s White House Chief of Staff.
Lew has also served as special Assistant to President Clinton from 1993 to 1994.
The Clinton as well as the Obama administrations promote radical pro-abortion legislation and both supported Planned Parenthood.
In fact, President Obama once ended a speech to the abortion giant by stating, “Thank you Planned Parenthood, God bless you.”
The Real Margaret Sanger…
Margaret Sanger was an avowed racist and, in her autobiography, which Life Dynamics has on file, the Planned Parenthood founder even discussed a speech she gave at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Silver Lake New Jersey.
She bragged about the fact that, afterward, she was invited by 12 other Klan chapters to speak at their events. Sanger even wrote that she found the Klan to be an interesting group.

In their film, Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America, Life Dynamics has documented some of Margaret Sanger’s so-called accomplishments.
In 1927, Margaret Sanger organized the World Population Conference in Geneva Switzerland and gave it front page coverage in her Birth Control Review. The events program shows that several of its attendees were colleagues of Sanger’s from the American Eugenics Movement. It also documents that among those who were given a leadership role in the conference was Eugen Fischer, the man who eventually lead the Nazi effort to eradicate blacks from Europe.
In 1932, Margaret Sanger called for the U.S. government to set aside farms and what she called “open spaces” where certain groups of people would be segregated from the rest of society. She proposed that, among others, the illiterate, the unemployed and the poor should be forcibly kept in these areas until they developed “better moral conduct.”
In 1934, Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, had proposed that the U. S. government implement a system in which women would not have the legal right to have a child without a permit from the government and that these permits would only be good for one baby.

The film points out, that defenders of Margaret Sanger try to distance her from her racist past by saying that she was not a eugenicist and that Planned Parenthood was never part of the eugenics movement. But the truth is that, as late as 1956, the American Eugenics Society listed Sanger as a member of the organization. In addition, many of Sanger’s colleagues and the people whose writings she published, as well as many of Planned Parenthood’s officers, were known to be Members of the American Eugenics Society.
Now, Black leaders are outraged that Margaret Sanger has even been
selected as a candidate for US currency and they are speaking out!
Rev. Clenard Childress, president of LEARN Northeast, a national African American organization, sent this comment to Life Dynamics, “This is the most diabolical, racist person of the century why have her on the twenty dollar bill? I think it would be a total disrespect to African Americans and minorities because of her eugenics history.”
Former Miss Delaware, Day Garner was livid, “Margaret Sanger was a despicable woman who believed that the only people worthy of life –be white and perfect,” she said.
“The fact is substantiated by her Negro Project which was specifically designed to infiltrate Black neighborhoods in order to kill off the Black race via sterilization and abortion.”
Gardner became the first black woman to be named a semifinalist in the renowned Miss America Pageant, breaking through numerous racial and stereotypical roadblocks.
Presently, Dr. Gardner is the founder and president of the National Black Pro-Life Union on Capitol Hill.
“Andrew Jackson had a vile view of certain human beings, especially Native Americans,” says Radiance Foundation founder, Ryan Bomberger.
“Liberal activists want to replace someone who advocated “Indian Removal” with someone who advocated the removal of “human weeds”?
“Jackson’s racism was no less repugnant than Margaret Sanger’s thoroughly documented eugenic racism and elitism. Surely there are great American women we can honor who advocated for the elevation, and not the elimination, of other human beings,” Bomberger said.
Bomberger has garnered massive media coverage from CNN, USA Today, Yahoo News, MSNBC, NY Times, LA Times, JET, NPR, BET, ABC World News, Charisma, Christian Post, the AP, and Fox News, for his public views on race related issues.
“The reason some people want Andrew Jackson removed from US currency is because he fought on the side of slavery,” Dr Johnny Hunter, national director of LEARN, Inc., said in response.
“Why in the world would they put Margaret Sanger in his place? Sanger was far more more racist and is still killing Blacks from her grave,” Dr. Hunter stated.
Women on 20’s says that they are asking individuals to vote, and “corporations can too — by supporting our mission with your endorsements and dollars.” One wonders how long before a juicy Planned Parenthood check will be delivered to the group.
“Putting Margaret Sanger on the twenty dollar bill is the personification of BLOOD MONEY, and the real time realization of the fact that America is no longer trusting in God,” said Rev. Walter B. Hoye, founder of Issues for Life, an organization which works with Black American leaders nationwide.